In this part of my gold guide i want to take up flipping.A easy and fast way to make money. You almost don't need any starting cash and it's takes little time. This is how i made my first 5k gold.
Though it can be risky but if you follow my instructions the chance of you losing money is very slime. First start of by going into the search tab of auctioneer, then press the snatch list. The snatch list is a tool for easily scanning several items at the same time. Now press on a link for the item, you want to add to your snatch list for example arctic fur and infinite dust is good for flipping on my server. Then write in the maximum amount you want to pay for that item and press add item.
Then every time you log in scan the auction house and then go into your snatch list and search for the items. Press alt+ctrl+shift and left click the purchase button and it will queue up all the items in your list.
For example i have a snatch listed called flipping i have infinite dust for 1g and 50s, but the average market price is 2g. But thats my server all servers are different, but on all servers the price go up and down. Arctic fur and frozen orbs are also good flipping. In general all items that sell quick and at all times is a good flipping item.
Now you just buy cheap items and wait for the market to go up. I recommend having a set price that you sell the item on the auction house for example i have a set price selling price on my infinite dust of 1g and 70s and my maximum buying price is 1g and 50s this gives me a minimum profit of 20s a dust.
Different markets sell att different times, enchanting mats often sell after raid nights when the people that raid have gotten new gear or on Wednesdays when the pvpers have gotten their arena points.This is when you want to sell because people will buy the mats faster then people post it which will result in the price going up.
I would recommend buying in 20 stacks and selling in singles, because the singles sell faster and more often.
You don't need any special addons except auctioneer, but if you want to go hardcore into flipping i recommend getting the addon market watcher You add items to a list and it scans the ah for those items and brings up a graph of the prices at different times of the week. You will be able to see when to buy the item and when to sell it .
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