Saturday, July 31, 2010


I am gone start with jewelcrafting one of the proffesions i use alot i have talked abit before about how to get started but i will repost it here again for you people that didin't read it or just have forgotten about it.

As you know if you have leveled a jewelcrafter it takes about 5k-7k gold, but it will be worth it in the end.I make about 1k extra a day from each crafting profession i have.So when you get to 450 what do you do?, well i would say go and do the daily jewel crafting daily and complete it. This will give you one jc token. Go onto the auction house and check for some cheap titanium ore if there are any buy these and prospect them you will get titanium powder and different gems. Prospect as many as you can afford. Now go to the npc thats in the jc house in dalaran who stands behind a desk. He will have the exchange of 10x titanium powder for 1 jewelcrafting tokens. If you get more then four tokens in total go check this website
If you do not have enough tokens just repeat the procedure each day until you do. Now pick four gems thats on the top and check what's the price for that gem on your auction house. I would recommend cardinal ruby cuts because they sell well and are cheap.Now just check the auction house and trade for cheap uncut gems, buy these and cut them then add them into QA3 (check my previous guide) and start posting. With the money you make craft more gems and buy more titanium ore and remember to do the daily because it's worth about 200g of material.

That's the basic of how to start crafting epic gems, but rare gems and uncommon gems are also profitable because everyone doesn't have enough money to give their alts epic gems but might have to settle with green or blue gems. i Reccomend using the /ktq commands to craft for example if you want to have a maximum of say 5 of the same epic gem over all you chars. (using altoholic,ktq ans sparkles workshop) you type in chat /ktq queue 5 epicgems, and you have to have your jewelcrafting window open while typing this. This will make ktq start queuing up all the epic gems you can craft and which you don't already have 5 of, you can do the same for rare gems but uncommon gems doesn't work for some reason. Okey that's how to set up the crafting part

Now for the prospecting part which is a bit harder to understand so i will borrow a picture from 20k leveling forums. This is a picture which explains how to make money from prospecting saronite ore and using a enchanter to cross profession.

This picture shows everything you can get from prospecting and what you want to do with it, as you can see you get lots of stuff to enchant and also some meta gems so i recommend having both a enchanter and a jewelcrafter for the saronite shuffle as it's called.

While we are talking about prospecting i found a great website which shows you if you will make any money from prospecting the ore depending on the price of the ore and the price of the mats you can get out of it, but you have to think that if you a jewelcrafter you can increase the price of the mats by cutting them.

Epic gems usually sell the best at raid nights or the morning after, also on Wednesday when people get their arena points. I use the trade to get my mats because there are loads of people that just wants to get quick gold and don't want to put the gem on the auction house.

Okey i think that's gone be all for jewelcrafting thank you for reading the wall of text /missbanks

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