Found this guy that had a really good serup and a good plan on how to make gold so decided to make a post about it.
With him I'm in the twink scroll market(Crusader, 30sp, 100 health chest, 14/25 agi and soon 29 healing power , 4 + chest, fiery weapon. I DE classic/bc stuff for auctions. I built all the standard scrolls (atm 2-3k profit per day). I'm awaiting the new heirloom Items (hands/wrists maybe?) and considering to get glove enchants from AQ or for BC rep.
I love the paladin because he is a jack of all trades and engi is just a gimicky profession that fits to that. I know that many people make great g/hour with this but I do not seem to get lucky with this profession. I do not know yet which mats limit the pets so I snatch too much of available mats and lack the rare stuff. I will get the hang of it in the future. Thought about selling "bottle neck" items. Those with rare/strange mats you only need once in your life. But it seems to time consuming making proper snatch lists.
Assumptions based on WOTLK: Engi and Ench will not need rep/dailies/instance dropps to get BiS recipes.
Druid Leatherworking 450, Scribe 1/50. Will not be played
All about leg enchants. I sell ~ 20 a day. I buy any leather below 65s and all the arctic fur below 50. I also flip leg enchants / fur. About 1k a day very solid, and very easy profit. I think about
I probably will not enter the 245 / 264 Market. Our Ah is full of them and i'm afraid that i'm too late. For cata i will go for the new fur flipping / leg enchants, lower Tier PVP gear , raid gear.
Assumption/Hope:I think/hope recipes from now on can always be bought for a primordial saronite like Item or from the auction house. If this is not the case my plan will not work
Scribe 1/50
What everyone does. Glyphs, Vellums (mainly for my enchanter), ink. Cards + offhands with looow priority. I'll prepare a huge stock for 3.9 when everyone can buy every glyph and basically learn it.
Cata : no Idea..
Warrior 80 (alch 1/450, JC 450) maybe played
Daily Transmutation, Meta gems, Titanium Transmute, Primal Might.
Aim is steady, easy income and max synergy with JC.
Assumption: Alchemie will not require dailies , rep, rare recipes. It can be leveld and used from Orgrimmar
JC 1/450
RareEpic gem market is still decent on my realm, use the synergie with Alchemie.
In Cata JC seems to be pretty straight forward. Prospecting will be worth it again and profit margins will be bigger again.
Biggest question: Will the JC daily be doable in 80 blues. I'm afraid This will be the dealbreaker.
Priest Herb 450 /mining 450 will be played
I only farm while I level ...
Dropp herbing and start tailoring for bags(Frostweave in cata), cloth cds, DEing and maybe low lvl pvp gear/epic recipes in cata. Nothing out of the ordinary but it seems a very solid profession
Bank alt / style gear.
Assumption: Will need reputation for the best bags, all the other stuff can simply be bought
For me the least attractive crafting profession. For cata I see the rod market, low tier PVP gear and epic (tank) recipes, belt buckles. Propably not going for that. The become really rare on my realm. Having it is not bad, but any other profession seems more profitable. For DEing I already have leatherworking, JC and perhaps tailoring. If there is a new cobalt axe maybe..
I do not see the synergy JC / alchi and scribe / ench have with each other.
The solid cd dependend income (alch / tailoring) or high turnover (alch, ench, scripe)
What is your opinion? Should I move some professions around? I still can because only engi/ench/leatherworking is already levelt. What is your stance on the BS/Tailoring Issue.
Cooking / fishing
Fishing is great for money but I hate it. Cooking for money has not been profitable. Feast is consistently 60% the price of mats on my realm. I don't expect that to change.
vendor pets, recipes, vendor profession mats, cross faction
Too many people are already into this, so scaming does not work so great anymore. Also Alliance is dead on my realm. Not much to buy or sell there. Getting all the vendor pets is also a pain in the but for 30g-50g profit. Not worth the time from my experience.
Thanks for reading and any feedback.
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