Saturday, July 10, 2010

How to see trade while not in a city!

This is an awesome addon that i use it's called trade forwarder
This addons makes it so that when you are in the cities you will send out the information on what says in trade to other people that have this addon and vice versa. So the more people that have this addon the more certain is it that you will have the trade forwarded to you. On the server right now about 5 people has it, this is not enough to keep the trade forwarding all the time this is why i strongly recommend that you get this addons. So never more will you wonder what people are saying in trade :P


  1. This addon is quite a good idea but i'm not to fond of it if everyone would DL it, would make all the 'kiddies' and spammers show up where ever you are. If it is restricted to 'real' traders, thumbs up. i'll download it and see how it goes.


  2. ill try it out lets hope it dont get me banned

  3. okey you don't get banned and it's not a virus it just makes you share the trade information thorough a automatically created trade channel
