Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to link an item without having it in your inventory.

I received a tip yesterday from Marcaa it's about how to set up a macro that makes a link and this is how you do it [Marcaa] whispers: make macro with

/run SendChatMessage("WTS "..(select(2,GetItemInfo(XXXXX))),"channel",nil,2)

but replace XXXXX with item number this way you say WTS the item number you have put in becomes a link to that item.

To find the item number you can go to wowhead or thottbot. This way you can set up a WTB or WTS macro which you can use several times with out having to link all the items and do all the manual work.


  1. I personally use the addon Ludwig, it's an ingame item database where you can easily look up every item in the game and you can also link from it.

  2. Atlasloot Addon also works very well

  3. yea good tips thanks will post them as a alternative to this way tomorrow, but the thing with this way is that you can post it into a macro without having to press somewhere else then the macro
