Wednesday, July 28, 2010

20k levling forums tips part 2

Tips taken from the 20k leveling forums

My Tip: When a crafted item is being sold for more than it's normal average price, expect many players to try and compete for the higher price and take advantage of it by selling the materials for a nice profit. I do not believe the specific details are important. Recognize the situation, not the prices.

I didn't really go into detail about prices since it's probably variable on a lot of different conditions. Titansteel was just an example, you can look for other items like this of course. I will mention I tried it with ametrine when someone started posting cuts for 300g and it didn't go well. I was undercut quickly and often. I believe people noticing the price of the raw gems was more than normal were spending honor to compete with me.

Here are some more specific details if you really want them:

Titansteel is normally between 65-85g each
Eternal Fire 15-30
Titanium Bars 10-15
Frozen orbs 15-30

This particular afternoon a player bought all the titansteel on the AH and posted it for 110g each. (most of it was purchased from me in the first place)
I bought most of the titanium bars for less than 15g each, but a few were 17.50 and sold them all for 25g in stacks of three. Total: ~6000
I bought most of the eternal fire for less than 22g. I left several full stacks at 29g each. I posted them for 45g and sold about 30 of them. Total: 1350g (technically a loss, see note)
I bought all of the frozen orbs for about 22g each and posted them for 35g. Total: 1750g
Later I bought three stacks of titansteel for 55g each and posted them starting at 85g. Not all of them sold for that, but over several days I sold them all for more than 55g each. Total: ~4200

I ended up with ~30 left over Eternal Fire. All of them cost me about 1500g so I lost 200g on Eternal Fire. But I look at it like this I spent 200g and got 30 Eternal fire. That means I can produce a Titansteel Spikeguards for approximately 70-80g less than normal. I also use them for Titansteel Bars, Vengeance Bindings and an occasional Cardinal Ruby. I really don't mind having extra Eternal Fire left over as I go through the things quickly.

In this particular case it did help that a player was boasting in trade that he was going to have all six 245 plate items crafted as well as all six 264 items. He chose my mats over the bars, despite the fact that my mats cost more than the bars did.

My tip: If you're an engineer, don't limit yourself to only crafting arrows. A cheap, low-volume and high profit item to craft is High-powered Flashlight. What makes it so special? Unlike most engineer-made trinkets, you don't need to be an engineer to use it! Low level characters will jump for the chance to get that chunk of hit. The mats are pretty cheap and I normally sell 1 a day for 200-300 gold.

I have mentioned this before, but watch trade chat for people trying to buy materials. You may not have what they want at the moment, but what they ask for may tip you to what they will be looking for later. You can preemptively get those items ready to go on the AH. A couple of strategic whispers will also do wonders.

What I am trying to do is guess if they are leveling a profession, which one it is and what level they are at. The armory will tell you which one. Waiting for them to log out and then checking the armory will give you a more accurate number. A simple "Hey, are you leveling xxx? That was really very expensive for me, but worth it in the long run. What level are you at now?" will work wonders. It also sets them up to expect to spend lots of gold. Is this shady? I don't think so.

Now with the information you have, you can make some very good guesses about what they will need next. If you are not familiar with the profession just use Wowhead to look up the recipes a player can learn from the trainer or consult a popular 1-450 guide.

Here are a few examples:
[2. Trade][Buyer] WTB: Mithril Ore and Citrine
(probably a JC, try to sell him bars. If he get's ore he can prospect it for Citrine and other gems, costing you a lot of potential sales. He will very likely be looking for star rubies, thorium ore/bars and Large Opal and Aquamarine soon. Whenever possible to reasonably do it, keep ore out of his hands.)

[2. Trade][Seller] Wts: Ring of Silver Might x 30
(A HUGE TELL! Jade is the single most profitable gem on my ream before wrath and Golden Draenite, and this player is very likely about to hit it. This is definitely a JC who wants to be spanked)

[2. Trade][Buyer] WTB: Tangy Clam Meat
(A cook, not as common as a JC, but often enough. If I saw someone looking for Tangy Clam Meat I am going to soak up Buzzard Wings, White Spider Meat and Barbed Gill Trout.)

Be careful what you ask for in Trade chat when leveling a profession. The way I handle it is over the week or two before I level a profession I add the items I will need to my Shopping List in Auctionator. I wait for great deals and then buy. I don't even start 1-450 until I have everything I need for it. My first JC cost about 300g 1-350 and the second one was 600g 1-350. I sold items I crafted to get those prices of course, and 350-450 was total profit.

Slow down a little. Being impatient cost gold. If you have to wait a couple of hours to move through a couple of points, then wait. Players desperately trying to go from 1-450 with no planning as fast as possible, pay me a fortune to d

Okey that's all for now end of part 2

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