Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gem Stocking for Cata

A few Days Ago i was looking on the internet for Things to stockpile for cata, i read that as old player who no longer play Wow Would more than likely come back with new toons or lower level chars that cannot afford Epic Nrend Gems, Therefore They said to stockpile blue gems for cata.
Just a Suggestion :), If u need any of these gems cut /w me ingame (Magiikzz). And i will Cut them for you, you will need


  1. the cata green gems will be better than anything currently available. I won't be following this strategy

  2. The Cata Green Gems will not be changing like the blues only the epics
    Color - Rare - Uncommon
    Blue - Ocean Sapphire - Zephyrite
    Purple - Demonseye - Nightstone
    Green - Dream Emerald - Jasper
    Orange - Ember Topaz - Hessonite
    Yellow - Amberjewel - Alicite
    Red - Inferno Ruby - Carnelian

    Purple Retaliating.
    Blue Rigid
    Red None as of yet.
    Yellow Fractured, Subtle.
    Green Lightening, Zen.
    Orange Adept, Artful, Polished, Fine.

  3. Also, there will definitely be a niche market for those coming back for 4.0.1. You should be able to offload the blues nicely up until cata comes out.
