Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Making gold when your moving servers

If your going to move to another server, you should start with going to the server you are going to move to and check is it a pve or pvp server what prices are high and what are low. For example on heavy imbalanced servers the eternals on one side will be very high because they never get to farm in the best place wintergrasp. If it's a bad pve server with not that many good guilds promodial saronite will probably be high. Also stuff like icc epics can make you alot of money cause if it's a bad pve server these guilds may not have come so long into icc and got those epics, so the epics you transferred over with are worth a lot.

These are just examples of stuff that you can make money of there can probably be a lot More that's profitable. You will transfer with all in your bags and banks and a cap of 10k for a level 80 so I recommend get the biggest bags you can get and fill it with stuff that's more expensive on the other server.

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