Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Addon auditor

This is and addon which allows you to see how much you have spend and how much you have earned and were that money came from/went to.

What does Auditor track?
- Loot money! Whether you are solo, in a party or in a raid.
- Vendor money! Stuff you buy from or sell to vendors.
- Quest money! Money you gain from quests, and money you spend on quests (e.g. the Scholomance Key quest).
- Trade money! Doing enchants or transmutes? Yep, it catches money exchanged in trade.
- Mail money! Sending money to/from your alts or friends? Tracked.
- AH money! At last, both outgoing AND incoming Auction House money is tracked.
- Training money! How much did you spend on training and respecs? Do you care? Well, you'll know anyway.
- Flight money! Spent a day flying about Azeroth? See how much you should claim back on your tax expenses.
- Repairs money! See how much money you really spent on repairing your kit after those instances.
- Unknown money! Money gained/lost, but for whatever reason, Auditor can't work out where it's from. Better than nothing, anyway.
- Reconciliation money! That's money for when you just installed Auditor, and it has to account for the cash you have right now, or for when you crashed, or were logged on at a friend's house. It's all good.
- Guild Bank money! Money you deposit or withdraw from your Guild Bank. Exciting, I know.

As you can see it tracks a lot so if you want to know were your golds coming from our were it's going install this addon.

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