Sunday, December 5, 2010

Beancounter for the last 5 days

Wanted to show you guys what i have been selling and for what prices over the last 5 days.

As you can see it's mostly glyphs and things i stockpiled for cataclysm, but i have also find a new thing added in 4.0.3 this is that enchanting vellum is now sold by all enchanting supply stores for only 9s and 50c as you can see in some of the pictures i tried this and it works really well i almost made a 100% profit for each enchanting vellum i sold.

It is unknown if this is a bug or something that was meant to follow the patch so i recommend stacking some for later user. In worst case scenario is stays and you lose a bit of money best case it is removed from the game and you make a lot of profit.

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